
Somewhere in Oregon

April 12, 2012 11:30pm pacific I knew it was bound to happen. Everyone just laughed when I asked if there were any teotwawki circles on G+ started. Five hours into the power outage, and I just found out it’s not only here in BFE Oregon, it seems to be everywhere, or at least everywhere the future ex-boyfriend could reach with the his modded radios, I don’t really get all the radio junk he’s into, other than the fact the skips great this year due to all the solar flares. His been fiddling with them in the truck since 8pm and the last call out, he picked up similar stories from people with no electricity in PA, Mexico, and a very fleeting transmission with some people in Australia. Okay, I freaked a little, places that have nothing to do with the US Energy Dept. all losing power at once?!? Something is up. I had the kiddos help me fill the water bobs, get their rainy day kits, and find me all of their toys I haven’t had a chance to take the batteries from for charging (some of the louder toys coincidentally), and put the batteries into the solar chargers on their windowsills . We fired up the grill and put the tents up in the yard, had ourselves a little campout, thankfully my two rugrats PTFO fairly early. I am hoping this is a temporary thing, since the cars run and none of my electronics are fried I am ruling out solar flare. I guess later tonight we will haul down the gas generator from the attic and hook up the deep freezer; charge up all the battery packs in the house, and keep trying to reach someone who knows what the hell is going on. I’ve gotta reserve some charge for my laptop, hopefully when I get up tomorrow everything will be back to working order— I can use this as my first blog post maybe, everyone can get a kick out of what a spaz I can be, and if still no power, well I guess we will have to wait and see. Its days like these that make me glad to be a “prepper”. 

Somewhere in Oregon 

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